Monday, August 17, 2009

Take it or Leave it

jesus christ
its only been like...6 months since I last updated. Whatever. A bunch of stupid shit happened since December 8th 2008. The Great Christmas Snow-in of 2008 happened. I never went to California at that time, as planned. Then in January even stupider shit happened. The girl I just so happen to be hopelessly in love with decided to go out with this collosal douchebag she "would never love more than a brother" twenty four hours after I confessed to her. ugh. At least that crashed and burned two months later. I went to California for Mid-Winter break, alone. I stayed with my Grandad and his..wife? dunno. That was fun. I also met up with one of my friends there. Spring ensued. I was still borderline suicidal, but whatever. I don't really remember what happened March through May. Probably nothing. Then it was June. Graduation on the 9th..blah blah blah Now its mid-August. That same chick is now going out with some random fucker. I don't care anymore, I really don't. I don't care about much anything anymore. It feels doesn't have a purpose anymore. Its like I'm hollow inside. I don't know..hopefully I get out of this funk wouldn't be the first time I've felt completely and totally alone. All of my friends are either gone or don't give a flying fuck about me. I don't blame them. I just want to be happy again, but I don't even know if that's possible. Yeah I know BAWW. But still..I don't know whats wrong with me. ugh. I just want something to live for.

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