Tuesday, November 25, 2008


from October like..a million years ago. Only re-posting because it still somewhat applies.

I hate faking being happy. Cliche I know, but still I hate being my usual hyper/crazy/whatever self when on the inside I feel hurt and rejected. Actually its not even faking anymore. I think I've pretended to be alright for so long, I've gotten used to it. Pretending at school. Coming home, doing nothing. Being my regular useless self. I've tried to get help, talk it out, whatever, but in the end it doesn't even matteerrrrr I end up being rejected or ignored. I just wish......that someone was there. All I want is be told I'm pretty, or that someone would do anything for me, that I'm actually not a failure. The only thing I really want is to matter.
I guess I really am just a waste of space.

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

I think I have read that before... Was that in your other blog?
AND your should express yourself, they way you feel at the time and everything. And talk to meh. I am here for you. Call me anytime.