Sunday, November 1, 2009

I've never really thought about it before, but I realized that a surprising number of people have had some sort of romantic interest in me. Now, I'm not trying to sound like a cocky bitch here, since that number is like...5 I don't know I don't really count. But I mean my expectations would be around zero. I don't really see what those people see in me. I bet they're desperate.
I don't know, just a random thought that's been stuck in my head. Probably because at the Halloween party I went to I was the only single female there, and I got hit on an uncomfortable amount. It was awkward.
Anyway I'm feeling pretty much generally melancholy lately. blah.

Also on an unrelated note: I honestly don't understand the appeal of raves. Its like, do they realize they look completely fucking ridiculous with all that rainbow shit and those face mask things and baby pacifiers, really?....seriously?
I don't get it.
Maybe its just me haha

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